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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Adoption Reality: Adoptee put on plane to Russia #NAAM

Mother in Adoption Scandal Was Trying for Second Child

ABC news reported this on April 13, 2010

The Tennessee mother who horrified the adoption community when she put her 7-year-old son on a plane back to Russia was in the process of trying to adopt a second child.
Torry Hansen had turned to a second adoption agency to bring home a child from the Soviet Republic of Georgia, a source with the sheriff's department told ABC News.
She switched adoption agencies after the agency that arranged the adoption of her first child, World Association for Children and Parents, urged her to wait before adopting again, the source said. The association advised Hansen it would be best to settle in with the boy before adding to her family, the source said.
A few months later, Hansen, of Shelbyville, Tenn., and her mother, Nancy Hansen put 7-year-old Artyem Savilev on a plane back to Moscow in hopes of having the boy's adoption annulled.

Watch coverage here: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/russian-adoption-wrong-10349969

I admit I do not know if the Russians had done a pre-adoption home study on Hansen since she was American.  REALITY: Returning adoptees and annulling an adoption is not uncommon at all but the adoption industry does not ever promote this fact. I have found several stories about people who returned their adoptees or wish to have the child re-adopted by someone else.  I do wonder about all the attention adopters receive when they adopt from another country, how they are usually praised for it and I can see how they'd continue to adopt again and again.  The reality is not all adoptees can adapt or bond with their adopters, and this adoptive mother Torry Hansen was clearly not prepared for it... Trace

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