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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Help Fight the MMIWG Epidemic


Help Fight the MMIW/MMIR Epidemic

Red Road Institute is proud to announce two new initiatives protecting our people and saving lives. We do need your help to see these through.

As you might know, tribes are rarely able to prosecute non-tribal citizens for crimes they commit on our reservations. As a result, our reservations are breeding grounds for wicked people to rape, murder, and assault our people.

Because the local police are rarely allowed to prosecute crimes outside their jurisdiction, the FBI is the only department able to investigate crimes committed by non-Natives on tribal land.

In 2016, the last year these stats were kept, there were 5,712 known cases of missing or murdered indigenous women. However, only 116 were logged into the DOJ database. For over 90% of the crimes, a real investigation never happens.

So we're putting together these programs to help our people because the government will not. 

Red Road Alert: On July 1st, we will roll out the Red Road Alert in South and North Dakota. This system will allow tribal police departments and police in cities surrounding reservations to send a text alert to people who have subscribed to our service when one of our relatives is missing.

This is similar to an Amber Alert and will help our people be on the lookout for our relatives and share information.

We plan to expand this to other states as funds and grants become available. However, we need $19k more to ensure this is financed for an entire year.

Donate to Red Road Alert


Red Road TV is the premier TV station for all of your Native American and First Nations content. We are the largest indigenous TV station in the world. We’re all Indigenous, All the Time!

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A New Show on Red Road TV

MMIW: Unsolved Cases: Have you heard about Red Road TV? This is our 100% free indigenous programming available on Roku and other smart TVs. Since we don’t charge for our programming, we must raise money for anything we produce.

We’re currently working on the first five episodes of a show that will highlight unsolved MMIW cases. We’re hiring private investigators to go where the federal government will not.

On April 15th, we will release a new website that will allow us to share information and hopefully bring some of our stolen sisters home. Our budget is tight, and we are short $11k for advertising and equipment if you want to donate money or equipment.

We want you to know that 100% of all Red Road Institute’s donations return to our communities. Not one person on our staff receives compensation.

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