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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Billion Dollar Adoption Industry? Tomorrow’s Argument in Brackeen

The Adoption Industry is booming but a shortage of babies makes American Indian children vulnerable AGAIN

The Truth About the Adoption Industry

What the Adoption Agencies & Professionals Don’t Want You to Know About Adoption in the USA

Over 14 BILLION dollars in 2015 

The problem is that adoption is a business, a big business. There is lots of money to be had by those who make their living from the transferring of parental rights from one party to another.  If adoption was truly a societal need, then there wouldn’t be such profits to be had... there is a heck of a lot of us that care about adoption corruption, exploitation, coercion, Adoptee Rights and the welfare of our children.


Gregory Ablavsky on the Presentment Clause and Tomorrow’s Argument in Brackeen

An excerpt:
If the Presentment Clause bars Congress from honoring the divergent policy judgments of other sovereigns, then federalism is in trouble. After all, as the briefs stress and the Supreme Court has explicitly endorsed, Congress has expressly adopted state law as federal law in the Assimilative Crimes Act and the Federal Tort Claims Act. It has expressly authorized states to create wage and hour standards higher than the federal government in the Federal Labor Standards Act. It has allowed states to establish different water and air quality standards from the federal government upon EPA approval, a power that the Court has repeatedly ruled on without saying boo.

by Matthew L.M. Fletcher

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