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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Human Trafficking in Indian Country

The General Accounting Office has published a report, HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Information on Cases in Indian Country or that Involved Native Americans.
Human trafficking—the exploitation of
a person typically through force, fraud,
or coercion for such purposes as
forced labor, involuntary servitude or
commercial sex
—is occurring in the
United States and
involves vulnerable
populations. Native Americans are
considered a vulnerable population
because of high rates of poverty and
abuse, and other factors. GAO was
asked to research human trafficking
taking place in Indian country and
trafficking of Native American persons
regardless of where they are located in
the United States


NOTE: If you are an adoptee and do not have papers, and your adoptive parents have died CONTACT THE FBI immediately. Many adoptions were done by private attorneys and you could be a victim of human trafficking and were sold into adoption. 


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