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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Adoptee Nation: Native Adoptees fighting REAL ID ACT in real time

By Trace L Hentz

Leland Morill Kirk and I gave an interview to the Santa Fe Reporter newspaper that just hit newstands in New Mexico.  

Here is the LINK.

There is no doubt in my mind that many many adoptees are very concerned about their "fake" amended birth certificates. And too many lame lawmakers are still dragging their feet about changing the laws to give us adoptees our original paperwork and birth certificate.  It's getting serious enough that even voting in elections might be affected!

I hope you will share this article and talk to your own lawmaker by sending them the link to this blog.

“On paper, we’ve literally disappeared into the American landscape,” says Trace Lara Hentz, 59, a Greenfield, Mass., adoptee who shared her story with SFR.  For decades, she’s been trying to get her birth certificate from the state of Minnesota, but to no avail, and now she worries about how the Real ID Act will make her life harder without the document.

“It’s criminal neglect in my mind,” Hentz claims, “how certain states would refuse us these documents and that the federal government would write an act that wouldn’t even consider us.”
“There are hundreds of thousands of adoptees out there like me,” she says. “While I understand the need for security, I don’t think we’re going about it the right way.” - See more at: http://www.sfreporter.com/santafe/article-11596-an-adoptee-nation.html#sthash.tTF1XJaW.dpuf

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