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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Canada: Vatican Crimes #adoption #validvoices

Christmas is not a good time for many of us adoptees, or mothers of loss... many of us feel loss and anger over human trafficking and loss of family... Trace

Vatican and nun crimes happened in Spain - research "Spain Stolen Babies" by BBC and this atrocity also took place in Australia (so much so that the government even forced the nuns to issue an "apology" in 2012 for stealing babies). The news program "Dan Rather Reports" did a story on this topic called "Adopted or Abducted?" highlighting the fact that this also took place in USA.
Now this video highlights that this also took place in Canada. In fact, we encourage viewers to look for the book called "GONE TO AN AUNT'S" where reporter and author Anne Petrie further discloses how this took place in Canada.

The Protect Your Children Foundation is committed to exposing all the lies and crimes of religion worldwide to alert the nations of the dangers these criminal organizations pose in our communities. For more information, visit: http://areyourchildrenprotected.org and http://www.protegeatushijos.org

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