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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Daniel Ibn Zayd on answering questions #flipthescript #Adoption

I would give anything for one minute of one day to not think about adoption...

- Daniel Ibn Zayd
By Trace

I'm rereading Daniel's blog... from last year. He did a series on 30 answers to 30 questions which should be viewed as the BIBLE of adoptee literature. For example:

Why are adoptees never asking, always answering questions?

This is the final question in the series: “Anti-adoption month: 30 answers to 30 questions on adoption” [link].

This is the “meta” question that is only revealed after years spent answering such questions as represented by the past month of answers, and which themselves only skim the surface of what need be discussed. Reframed, this might be asked thusly:
When is it our turn to ask the questions? When is it our turn to find answers? At long last, at what point do we assume any kind of position of strength among all of this seemingly endless back and forth, both with others, and among ourselves?

[Note: the comments on his blog are often made by adoptees who offer amazing reflections as well... so go over and read up... It's Adoption Awareness Month! Trace]

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