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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

California Appeals Court Upholds ICWA in Choctaw Foster Case - ICTMN.com

 CLICK: California Appeals Court Upholds ICWA in Choctaw Foster Case - ICTMN.com

Last Friday, the Second District Court of Appeals in California unanimously ruled against a non-Native foster couple seeking to adopt the Choctaw child in their care. The three-judge panel rejected their argument that they have the same constitutional rights and standing as biological parents, and ruled that the application of the “existing Indian family exception” did not apply in the case of Children and Family Services v. J.E., et al.

RELATED: Broken: Choctaw Father in California Thwarted in Custody Battle With Foster Couple


  1. According to the judges opinion in the Baby Alexandria case here, Lauren Axline, the social worker for foster parents Rusty and Summer Page, had the strongest views of the negative impact on Alexandria. It was Axline’s belief that Alexandria would experience removal as the death of a parent or family “because she is being taken away from everything that is familiar to her, everything that she’s known to
    be stability.”

    Axline, who got her MSW from San Diego State University, works at Olive Crest foster agency. Coincidentally, that's one of the agencies that the evangelical Grace Community Church sends their members to find foster children to adopt. Both Rusty and Summer Page are members of Grace Community Church. I think Axline (alias Lauren Tice?) needs to read about ICWA and the traumatic effects about white adoption of Indian children, especially by Christians who believe they are "saving" these same children from the tribe. Lauren Axline's arrogance is terribly misguided.

  2. Sadly, it appears the foster family is refusing to give up. They have a support page and all the same people who support Veronica Brown's kidnapping by the Capobiancos are all over it like flies on feces. Even the infamous Lori McGill, who calls children illegitimate spawn, is representing the family. She's released an update on the support page full of untruths regarding the case. They're desperate and lying to people in order to gain support within the court of public opinion. Supporters are even clamoring to assist Page family in thwarting the child's removal from their home, even if it means they get arrested.


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