we will update as we publish at AMERICAN INDIAN ADOPTEES WEBSITE - some issues with blogger are preventing this

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Five Categories of Adoptees Missing from the "Vocal Minority"

I want you all to read this post by Rebecca Hawkes and let me know where you land on this list and how you feel about it.

Sea Glass & Other Fragments: Five Categories of Adoptees Missing from the "Vocal Minority...: That phrase, "they don't talk about being adopted so they don't care about it." Don't use silence to dismiss thoughts...

My thoughts: Without the internet, I wouldn't even have this blog AMERICAN INDIAN ADOPTEES or even know about the above post. I wouldn't be able to read the voices, views and written words of the adopted. In a real sense, I would not have moved from the thick dark fog to the "knowing" place where I am today.   By the way, I am still changing - every - single - day.  I cannot believe how different I am since I started ONE SMALL SACRIFICE to the next book TWO WORLDS.  I have not been threatened by anyone to shut up about my views on adoption -- well,  not yet anyway.  I am not a silenced adoptee though I am sure there are people who wish I would just stop reporting on issues like the Baby Veronica case.  I can see clearly that denying this horrific history only dooms us to repeat it. I can see that the Indian Adoption Projects was ANCESTRICIDE - a way to extract Indians from tribal rolls and make us American-protypes. These projects and programs erased our ancestry and identity in sealed closed adoptions.  This was genocide for many tribes.  I do not judge those who adopted us. I do not expect an apology from the American government or even an acknowledgment of what they did.  I judge the governments and individuals who created adoption programs to remove Indian children from their families....That was an atrocity and evil... Trace

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