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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Buying a Baby: Melanie Capobianco's testimony

Buying a Baby: Melanie Capobianco’s Testimony About Saving Veronica Rose Brown

Adoptive Couple v Baby Girl Court Transcripts pages 165 to 225 Released

By drip and drabs, we might one day see the full story of the unethical adoption seizure of Veronica Rose Brown.
Just to recap, currently we have the court transcripts from the September 2010 South Carolina Court trial of Adoptive Couple vs Baby Girl:
Read more HERE

and this blog:  http://adoptivecouplevsbabygirl.wordpress.com/2013/09/08/melanie-duncan-capobianco-in-her-own-words/

As Claudia writes: "...reading between the lines, (I) do see Mr. Goodwin as trying to cover his own ass. After all, not only is his reputation now severely damaged, but his wife, Laura Godwin, is the director of Nightlight Christian Adoption’s South Carolina offices, which handled the whole baby Veronica Rose Brown mash up. So if they don’t watch it, I would assume the Godwin’s could lose all the means of their income!"

Human trafficking is a crime...Will Nighlight be prosecuted?... Trace


  1. It is tragic that the courts not only refused to grant best interest hearing, but also ignored the scandalous trail of money .And now - besides talk of Dusten Brown getting sued for court costs - taxpayers must support the Capobiancos in their purchase of a child, too? See link below for report of how the sheriff of S.C. has no shame about presenting the taxpayers with the bill for that escort for the baby buyers, so they could "legally" -not morally- take their "purchased object" across state lines - yes, the human being they bought - Veronica.

    1. Anonymous, thank you for the link and I agree - they bought Veronica. I had no idea how much was spent - the article by Claudia spelled it out for us all.


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