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Friday, June 14, 2013

What if everything you thought about adoption was wrong?

The Evangelical Christian adoption movement: The orphan crisis that wasn't

Evangelical Christians are adopting children in large numbers - but are they doing more harm than good?

"Joyce's book is a powerful call to action, even for those of us who thought we knew something about the ethical issues posed by the adoption industry. But she is pushing back against an evangelical mega-church culture where leaders have convinced their followers that there is no greater crisis today than the plight of orphans, and that it is a Christian duty to rescue these poor children.
There are many ways to help children and family in need, and the fact that the Evangelical churches want to be involved in social justice causes is laudable. But to actually help, they need to listen to the voices of adopted children and the families who have placed them for adoption...."

Read this excellent review of the CHILD CATCHERS:

and check this out too: http://www.adoptionbirthmothers.com/the-child-catchers/

NPR interview with Kathryn Joyce:
Interview: Kathryn Joyce, Author Of ‘The Child Catchers’ : NPR on Huffduffer

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