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Thursday, January 10, 2013

30 Stories in 30 Days #Adoption #NDN

Adoption: 30 stories in 30 days; adoption and Native Americans (links)

Kathy  Hinson, The Oregonian By Kathy Hinson, The Oregonian
Russians demonstrated against President Vladimir Putin's ban on adoptions by American families. A couple of essays on Huffington Post have interesting takes on the issue.
Huffington Post has a fascinating feature called "30 adoption portraits in 30 days." As the website says in its intro, the series is "designed to give a voice to people with widely varying experiences, including birth parents, adoptees, adoptive parents, foster parents, waiting adoptive parents and others touched by adoption."   That's an important statement -- all too often sites and bloggers (including me) dwell too much in their own part of the adoption equation, whether adoptive parent, birth parent or adopted child, and don't delve enough into other experiences. While you're at the Huffington Post site, see two views on the recent Russian ban on adoptions by Americans. John Simmons writes about his daughter, and her friend who was adopted by a Russian family. He compares present-day Russia with the U.S. at the turn of the last century, as far as adoption attitudes. Yasmine Ergas compares adoption to iron ore ... hang with it for the statistics on adoption rates by Americans and Russians, which ties into Simmons' thesis.
U.S. families looking to other countries now that Russia has barred them will find that India has added a temporary roadblock.
Meanwhile, The New York Times writes about the heartbreaking case that led the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the issue of adoption and Native Americans.

Go here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/02/cindy-williams-birth-moms-adoption-portrait_n_2396938.html

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