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Sunday, October 21, 2012

NICWA responds to Dr. Phil's coverage

Read here: http://www.nativetimes.com/life/commentary/7962-nicwa-responds-to-dr-phils-coverage-of-sc-icwa-case

"Veronica’s pre-adoptive placement was kept secret by her mother and attorneys representing the Capobiancos. Her placement with them was not revealed to Veronica’s father for four months–just days before he was sent to Iraq. Upon learning of his daughter’s proposed adoption, the father quickly moved to affirm his rights to parent Veronica. After three decisions supporting his rights in the South Carolina courts, he has been parenting her since January 2012."

To learn more about how you can support the National Indian Child Welfare Association’s efforts to strengthen protections for American Indian children and families and to access more information on this case, please visit our website at www.nicwa.org.

Indianz.com: http://www.indianz.com/News/2012/006854.asp

Get the Story:
Marcia Zug: Doing What’s Best for the Tribe (Slate 8/23)

South Carolina Supreme Court Decision:
Adoptive Couple v. Cherokee Nation (July 26, 2012)

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