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Monday, August 6, 2012

Chosen Children: Kidnapping Rings, AMFOR 2012


When I was researching adoption (2004- ) I came across Lori's website AMFOR. Some of her statistics blew my mind! Trace

I just downloaded Chosen Children 2012: http://www.amfor.net/ebooks/chosenchildren2012.pdf
An excerpt: Trafficking of Foster Kids

There have been  reports of cases in the United States of government-run foster homes that turned out to be fronts for child trafficking rings. A study in the United Kingdom found that 55% of child trafficking victims, who are identified and rescued, eventually again go missing. Worldwide, t he numbers concerning child slavery are staggering.  More than 150-million children younger than 14 are child laborers;  one in six children worldwide.  Some girls as young as 13 are trafficked as mail order brides and nearly 90% of domestic workers trafficked from West and Central Africa are young girls.  American children who go missing from foster care are rarely found.

On 3-13-04, Ted Gunderson, FBI Senior Specialist Agent (Ret.)  delivered a speech to the
Congressional Hearing on Child Protection, stating that during his career he “investigated public officials at all levels of government, which reached as high as the White House.  Most of all I have chisled-in-stone documentation of an international  criminal enterprise involving kidnapping, murders, including human sacrifices by Satanic Cults.  Specifically, in regard to Child Protective Services, in some areas and some states, I have been told by reliable sources that a planeload of 210 children from CPS was flown out of Denver, Colorado, on 11-6-97, to Paris, France.
Later, a second plane load of children, also under care of CPS, was flown from Los Angeles to Europe.
I have also developed information through reliable sources that, in the past, children have
been taken from foster homes, orphanages, and  Boys Town Nebraska, and flown by private jets from Sioux City Iowa to Washington DC and forced into sex orgies with politicians.  I have interviewed witnesses who were active in an international child kidnapping ring, who advised me that, of the thousands of children who disappear every year, many are auctioned off, at various locations throughout the country.  
This kidnapping ring involves a case under investigation known as ‘The Franklin Coverup.’  I developed information from a credible source in a major city in the 9 Southwest U.S. that there is collusion between judges, attorneys and underworld criminals. 
Children in that system become adopted, four thousand dollars is given to the people who adopt, and the children’s names are changed, and each child is re-adopted up to 75 times, with four thousand dollars going to each adoption every time.  The federal Government Adoption Bonus is given to these judges, attorneys,  and underworld criminals; it is split among the three groups of child traffickers.
As an outgrowth of my involvement in the Franklin Coverup Case from Omaha, I learned
that a covert CIA operation known as ‘The Finders,’ based in Washington DC, was actively involved in kidnapping and trafficking of children since the early 1960s.  This matter was brought to the attention of the FBI and State Department in 1997.  A report by the Metropolitan Police Department was classified ‘Secret’ in the interest of National Security.  The investigation by the FBI was closed down, however, according to the U.S. Customs investigation report. ‘The Finders’ became an internal matter.
I have given this information to the FBI on seven occasions, and have demanded an
investigation for the international kidnapping and trafficking of children.

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