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Friday, May 11, 2012

How insane are we? Let’s look at UTAH!

By Trace L Hentz (blog editor)

It is rare I am this pissed off! (Watch out anyone in my vicinity)
Utah apparently is (or was) coaching pregnant moms to NOT notify the father of the child so the adoption agency (predators) could complete the sale-transaction of the soon-to-be-born-infant.
Why am I fuming at this? My own birthmother didn't want to meet me or god forbid, have anyone find out about me BUT when I found my dad, he asked “how soon can you get here?” I got to meet him three weeks later in Illinois and EARL was indeed my DAD!! (Sometimes men have more compassion than women - and in my own experience, my dad truly loved me, even though he didn’t raise me.)
There always seems to be a long waiting lists of adopters, right? Has anyone considered how or why we are becoming so infertile?
When did we descend into this madness of selling babies?
Don’t you get it? This is commodification of human life. This is the low point for humanity.
The Utah Supreme Court had ruled earlier that deception was part of the adoption process in Utah. Utah has the most conservative adoption laws in the U.S. that favor the birth mother and apparently prefer it that way – much less hassle getting the baby-daddy involved, right?
How insane are we? Why do I say insane? MONEY! I am yelling in CAPS because I see how insane we are as humans and how blind we are as to what is happening to babies. BABIES!!
Number ONE: Babies do not choose to be adopted. (I didn't)
Number TWO: No one would ever choose to be abandoned or orphaned! (I didn't)
The fact is: babies are so incredibly confused, demoralized and terrified when their mom disappears (within 45 minutes), it affects us for the rest of our lives. OUR ENTIRE LIFE!
I know this from experience and my memoir is about this... and some people in UTAH are completely insane...
"After a Colorado father went through four years of legal battles to get custody of his daughter - who was put up for adoption without his consent - 9NEWS uncovered evidence of a system in Utah where agencies are coaching mothers to deceive fathers out of their parental rights.
Utah adoption lawyer Wes Hutchins says he has audio recordings as proof. The way some adoption agencies handle birth mothers Hutchins claims "is an invitation for birth mothers to lie, cheat and defraud birth fathers into thinking they don't have anything to worry about."
"The idea that the birth mother can travel from any state to Utah and be in Utah for two or three days and then give birth to a child and then leave the state with the sole purpose of cutting off the rights of the biological father has to stop," Hutchins said.


Resignation Letter From the President of The Utah Adoption Council

When I am this pissed, I usually tear apart a room in my house and clean... Looks to me like the living room needs work...

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